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NUKG 24/7 Artist Interview Series: #001 - Soulecta

Since his debut release on Karl Brown's 2Tuf4U Records just seven years ago, Soulecta has established himself as one of NUKG's brightest prospects. En route to teaming up with seminal label Garage Shared, he released records with a who's who of UKG labels - convincingly bouncing between the scene's various sub-genres. He's since gone on to release an acclaimed artist album ('Soulecta & Friends'), numerous noteworthy singles, plus a whole plethora of hugely viral studio videos - which depict his process constructing various bootleg remixes. All of these factors combined have positioned him as one of the most sought-after DJs & familiar producers that Garage has to offer.

We caught up with him to ask about how his production journey started, his experience working with labels, how he sees NUKG evolving in the coming months & years, the gear he uses in the studio & more. Hold tight for the quick-fire round at the end of the interview, where you can learn more about the man himself: including life goals, his favourite film & what he'd do on his last day if the world were coming to an end.

Watch the interview in full here: -

For more information on Soulecta, follow his Instagram.

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