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Recap of the best bits from MJ Cole's 'Business As Usual' remix competition

As regular visitors of the site will have gathered, we're big fans of MJ Cole - & loved the Night Shift mix of his recent collab with Eliza Rose, 'Business As Usual'. So we were eager to hear what members of his Discord group came up with for the remix competition.

Originally broadcast via his Twitch stream, you can watch the listening session in full on YouTube now here: -

Not got time? Shame -as every tune featured absolutely slapped. But if you're skipping over it, we would strongly recommend at least make a point of listening to: -

The remixes featured on the stream were those which attained most votes throughout the week, but there was actually a tonne more you might enjoy, notably DJ Pencil's laidback Jazz Step effort. You'll find the lot reposted on MJ's Audius page - definitely great listening for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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